
In spite of growing infections: No new measures Bonaire

Island Governor Rijna during the press conference on Thursday afternoon.

Kralendijk- In spite of the growing number of infections with the Coronavirus on Bonaire, no new measures will be implemented for now.

Governor Rijna explained that in a meeting with his Policy Advisory Team (EBT) he was advised that a complete lock-down of the islands is not needed as of yet. “We can still contain the virus, but it will depend on me, you and everyone in our community to help avoid this”, said Rijna.

Rijna also said that the number of infected persons is expected to go up even more, before it will come down again. “We do trust that with current measures, numbers will start to decline again next week”, said Rijna.


Public Health doctor Marian Luinstra-Passchier called on the population to register themselves for vaccination. Luinstra-Passchier said that while she understood that some residents were initially hesitant, they should now consider to still register for the vaccine. “It is really needed. We all want to go back to our normal lives, without all these nasty measures”. The doctor added that this depended however on the amount of people willing to be vaccinated.

Luinstra-Passchier said that there would be enough vaccine to vaccinate everyone who wishes to be vaccinated. She could however not guarantee that everybody would be vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine. “The first vaccine we have received is Pfizer, as this works really well for people working in health care and the elderly. If we will continue to get this vaccine, is not clear yet”. The doctor stressed however, that people would always get two shots with the same vaccine.

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