
Information facts island council and electoral college elections

KRALENDIJK – On March 15, eligible voters can vote for the Island Council elections and, if suitable, for the Electoral College. It is essential to know the difference between these elections, the usefulness and necessity of going to vote, and everything you need to know as a voter before you go and vote.

So, on the one hand, there are elections for Bonaire’s Island Council. Together with the Executive Council, they form the island government. The island council indicates what should happen on Bonaire and supervises the work of the Executive Council. The inhabitants of Bonaire elect the Island Council. This happens once every four years. By voting, you and other voters decide what the Island Council will look like for the next four years. 

On the other hand, there are electoral college elections. The electoral colleges consist of people’s representatives of the public entities who, together with the members of the provincial councils and the members of the electoral college for Dutch voters abroad (non-resident electoral college), vote for the elections to the First Chamber. By voting for the Electoral College, you indirectly influence who is elected to the First Chamber and the decisions taken there. And therefore also indirectly influence the findings in the First Chamber that affect Bonaire.

Everything you need to know about these elections and issues, such as when, how, where, and why to vote, can be found on the website  

Some important issues are listed below:

When are the elections?

The elections are on Wednesday, March 15, 2023. On that day, you can vote from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. at any polling station on Bonaire.

Who can vote?

You may vote for the Island Council if you:

– are 18 years of age or older on the day of the election

– are residents of the public body of Bonaire on January 30, 2023

– have Dutch nationality, or if you are legally residing in the Netherlands and before January 30, 2023, you have been continuously living in the Netherlands for at least five years and have a valid residence permit.

– are not excluded from the right to vote

You may vote for the Electoral College if you:

– have Dutch nationality

– are residents of the public body of Bonaire

– are 18 years of age or older on the day of the election (March 15, 2023)

– are not excluded from the right to vote.

A resident is a person who is registered in the essential registration of persons on the island.

What do you need to bring to vote?

To vote, you must bring your voting pass and proof of identity. This can be a Dutch passport, a sedula, or a driving license from the public body. Without an ID and a voting pass, you cannot vote.

Note! Your ID must not have expired more than five years on the day of the election, and the document must state “valid until” March 16, 2018, or later. If this is not the case, apply for a new proof of identity at Civil Affairs well in advance. Do keep in mind the processing time. Should you discover on election day that your ID has expired more than five years, unfortunately, you will not be able to vote. 

You will receive two voting passes at home if you are also eligible to vote in the electoral college elections. One voting pass for the Island Council elections and one for the Electoral College elections. Do you want to vote for both elections? Then bring both voting-passes with you to the polling place.

Haven’t you received your voting pass(es) by the end of the week of March 1? Did you lose your voting pass? Or is the voting pass torn and therefore illegible? Request a new one as soon as possible. This can be done in writing until Friday, March 10, or in person until Tuesday, March 14, 12:00 noon. To do so, come to Citizens Affairs with a valid ID. In either case, the replacement voting pass must be picked up in person at Civil Affairs, where you sign for receipt.

What should I do if I am unable to vote myself?

Are you unable to vote yourself, for example, because you are ill or temporarily abroad? Then you can ask another voter to vote for you. This is called authorization. You can only proxy someone if you really cannot go and vote yourself. Everything about proxy is on the website.

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