
New Roundabout Kaya Amsterdam ready in January

A view of the work in progress. Photo: Government of Bonaire

Kralendijk – The new roundabout on the Kaya Amsterdam is nearly ready and will be delivered in January 2021, according to information from the Government of Bonaire.

Work on the roundabout started at the beginning of November to construct a new roundabout on Kaya Amsterdam. The work is on schedule and will be completed in January.

At the moment, the first two layers of asphalt have already been placed. In January the necessary top layer of asphalt will be placed on the road surface.

Various roads on Bonaire are being rebuilt as part of the “Multi-year Maintenance Program for Roads Bonaire”. The activities are funded by the Kingdom government.

Kaya Govebernador Debrot

In 2021, at least the Kaya Amsterdam and the Kaya Governor Debrot are scheduled to be renovated. Tenders for the complete renovation of these two roads will be put out in the beginning of 2021, so that work can start in the second quarter, according to the Public Entity.

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