
Statia informs Key Stakeholders on Draft Road Map for Gradual Reopening

Statia informs key stakeholders on draft road map for gradual reopening

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius – The Public Entity St. Eustatius informed key stakeholders last week about the draft plan to gradually open up the island. This week school leaders will be involved. Based on the input received by stakeholders, the road map will be finalized and communicated to the public. Meanwhile the Public Health Department requests everyone who has not been vaccinated yet, to register promptly as the second batch of vaccines will soon arrive.

However, residents who still want to get vaccinated, can still do so. Of the first badge received by the Netherlands, there are vaccines left. 

Road Map

The road map that is now in draft stage includes plans to further ease the measures and open up the island. Each next step of the road map is linked to the number of Statian residents that must be vaccinated before Statia can take the step. The first decision was already taken. As of April 11, 2021, Statian residents that are vaccinated on Statia, will be able to return to the island without the need to go into quarantine. They will be tested after five days and must adhere to social distancing and hygiene rules during the five days..


Due to a technical issue with the freezer in Statia, the 1200 additional Moderna vaccines for 600 Statians were sent to the Public Health Department in Saba. This is a temporary solution until Statia has received a new freezer. The vaccines can only be transported from Saba to Statia when the number of registrations increases. This is due to the fact that the vaccines can be stored in a refrigerator for a maximum period of a few weeks.

Target of 80%

Up till now 673 persons were vaccinated with both doses (2) of the Moderna vaccine and 241 with the first dose. These persons will soon be vaccinated with the second dose. This means that a total of 914 residents are shortly fully vaccinated, which is a bit more than 30% of the adult population. This is unfortunately nowhere near enough to reach the target of 80%. To reach 80%, in total 2000 Statians must be vaccinated, which means the Public Health Department must vaccinate approximately 1100 additional residents.

When a large part of the population is immune to a specific disease, such as COVID-19, it will help protect people who cannot be vaccinated because of their age or having certain medical conditions.

Side effects

Thepersons that were already vaccinated with the first dose in February 2021, got their second dose mid-March 2021. Some of these persons experienced side effects such as fever, chills, tiredness and headache. This is not to be concerned about. Side effects after the second shot of the Moderna vaccine are normal signs that indicate that the body is building protection. These side effects may affect the ability to do daily activities but often go away after a day, or in a few days. Many people had no side effects except a sore arm.

To register for the COVID-19 vaccination, persons can call +599 3182981 or send an e-mail to

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