Statia introduces EHAS for Travellers entering the island

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius – The Public Entity St. Eustatius introduces the Electronic Health Authorization System (EHAS) as of today, Wednesday, July 6th, 2021. This system must be used by all incoming travellers within 72 hours before arrival in Statia. The link to the EHAS form is available on the website on the COVID-19 page: Electronic Health Authorization System (EHAS) | COVID-19 | St. Eustatius (
Registration via e-mail is not possible anymore as of Monday, July 12, 2021. From this day on, all Statians and visitors including tourists who want to enter Statia must use the EHAS-system and entering Statia is only possible after having received a pre-approval through the EHAS system.
The implementation of EHAS is a drastic change of the process to register for entry. A positive outcome of the introduction of EHAS is that it will be possible to pass St. Maarten with an EHAS approval from St. Eustatius. Another advantage of EHAS is that it is an easy and quick approval process with less work for the traveler.
For registering through EHAS, the applicant must upload the PCR-test result, have a passport ready if required, and the proof of vaccination if available. Pictures of these documents are allowed.
Only when the EHAS-form is completed, it can be submitted. Upon submitting the form, the applicant will receive a confirmation mail that permission to enter was requested. This is followed by an e-mail to the applicant with either a pre-approval or a motivated denial. It is expected that almost everyone will be approved to enter Statia. A decision will be made within 12 hours after submitting the form.
For very low risk countries the applicant will receive immediately approval. For all other countries a Public Health Officer will review the application and, based on the information provided, will approve or deny the request.
On Statia a last check will be done by the Public Health staff to check if the pre-approval is correct. If they conclude that information is not correct it can lead to stricter requirements for quarantine.
The airlines will be informed that only travelers with an EHAS pre-approval will be allowed to enter Statia. EHAS is already introduced on Saba and St. Maarten.
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