Statia’s Water Problems Should be Over by end of 2020

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius- According to Minister Cora Van Nieuwenhuizen of Infrastructure and Water Management (I&W), the problems with the production and distribution of water on St. Eustatius should be solved towards the end of 2020.
Van Nieuwenhuizen wrote this today in answer to questions by Groen Links MP Nevin Özütok. The Minister stated that she was aware of the problems on the island, but also said that a solution was being worked on.
“Sint Eustatius Utility Company (STUCO) is therefore working hard on a structural solution to the problem and is carrying out three projects for this: The expansion of Drinking Water Production from 375 m3 / day to 625 m3 day, the replacement and expansion of a Drinking Water Transport Pipeline with I&W subsidy and the expansion the Drinking Water Storage capacity to meet peaks in demand.”
According to Van Nieuwenhuizen the material for the replacement of the drinking water transport pipeline are already on the island.
“The first two projects will be completed by the end of 2020, after which sufficient drinking water will be available and rationing of drinking water will no longer be necessary”, according to Van Nieuwenhuizen. “Periods of rationing must be taken into account during the implementation of these two projects. The expansion of the drinking water storage capacity will be completed in 2021. On the advice of I&W, STUCO is assisted in this by Vitens Evidens International and Royal HaskoningDHV”.
It is noteworthy to mention that the information of the minister seems overtaken by the facts. In her letter the Minister mentions that residents are supplied with water in 2 blocks of 3 hours of streaming water. However, over the last few days STUCO has not been able to deliver that either.