
Testing policy and contact tracing of Statia from the 7th of October

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius – All people arriving on Statia and coming from a high risk country are requested to have a COVID_19 test conducted within 72 hours before arrival. It is not mandatory, however when you travel through Sint Maarten it is mandatory (requirement of the Sint Maarten government).

All people arriving from a high risk country to Statia will be tested on the 12th day of their quarantine and can leave the quarantine location only when the test result is negative. This could imply that they have to stay longer when the test result is not back in time.

People who develop COVID-19 symptoms will always tested immediately tested

People quarantined because of a contact with a possible COVID cases don’t need to be tested always but can also be tested more often based on the needs for contract tracing and elimination of infection paths.

All people quarantined based on a confirmed COVID-19 case will be tested at least   14 days after the last contact. They can only be released from quarantine after a negative test result.

Persons quarantined based on a contact with a possible COVID case can be released from quarantine (without testing) at the moment that the possible COVID case is tested negative (as this confirms that they have not been in contact with a positive case.)

Testing for travelling abroad

Testing on Statia of people who need a test for travelling abroad is at the moment only limited possible with a 5 days-notice to the public health (  and the can take place on Mondays with a result available on Wednesday night  and on Wednesday with a results available on Friday night . Other test moments and quicker availability of test results for travelling is only possible in exceptional cases

Contact tracing

When a person is tested or assumed positive for COVID-19 the public health will trace his/her contacts and take appropriate measures to assure containing the possible spread of COVID.

First step will be to interview the positive cases to get a list of direct contacts of the positive persons.

Second step will be  to interview the contacts  to assess the level of contact. They can be place in quarantine directly.

Third step will be to interview the contacts of the contacts.

Based on this an overview of the contacts will be made and decision will be made on who needs to be in quarantine or tested.

Testing of direct contacts can be done to eliminate indirect contacts with a negative test result of the direct contact.

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