
Three Students with Cum Laude Graduation at MBO Bonaire

Kralendijk- This year MBO Bonaire is awarding diplomas with a cum laude annotation for the first time. The honorary title goes to three part-time students Nicole Rosaria, Rohainy Visers and Leann Werleman.

In addition to their job at  payroll processor P-Direkt, they attended level-3 training to become Commercial Contact Center Employee. There are strict conditions for an official cum laude mention. Students should earn at least an 8/10 exam average and cannot obtain any exam result under a certain score level.  This requires strong motivation from the student.

Liset De Keijzer, unit director MBO Bonaire, praises P-Direkt for the way they enable their employees to study during working hours. “They pay for students and contribute with ideays how to further optimize the carreer line. They helped us out with second hand laptops and office furniture to simulate a practice-oriented setting. ”All this contributes to a good one preparation for the work field”, said the Keijzer.

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