
Update: Measures for Carnival on Statia

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius – If you were in a high risk country or in a very high risk country and you want to come to Statia, you will only be allowed to enter Statia if your purpose to enter is essential work or when your return is unavoidable. With “unavoidable” they mean for example: one of your family members is very ill or you need to re-enter Statia after a medical visit to another island. This measure applies to non-vaccinated persons for the period between July 16, 2021 and August 1st, 2021. And it also applies to vaccinated persons in the period between July 22nd and August 1st, 2021.

Did you already register to enter Statia? In this case, you will be contacted by the Public Health Department.

Did you already make commitments and you made these commitments before the announcement of the carnival measures (published on June 21s, 2021). In this case, please send an e-mail to the Public Health Department. You can send your email to before or on June 30th 2021 at the latest. Please include evidence so the department is able to assess your case. Based on the assessment, the Public Health Department will try to find an acceptable solution for you. (If you send your e-mail after June 30th, 2021, the carnival measures apply).

For all other persons, they must adhere to the carnival regulations and measures that was communicated earlier this week.

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