
Usage of banned single use plastic not allowed

Oranjestad, St. Eustatius – As of October 1, 2021 it is not allowed anymore to use the banned single plastic items. Businesses had a few months to adapt to the new waste ordinance that went into effect as of April 1st, 2021 and also got the opportunity to use up their stock of the banned items during the grace period. By stopping the usage as of October 1, 2021, the Public Entity St. Eustatius takes the next step to reduce the amount of waste generated on the island and to create a cleaner environment for inhabitants and visitors.

Stakeholders were given a reasonable length grace period of two (2) months to use-up their current stock of single used products and a period of six (6) months to use-up all single use shopping bags. The 6 months’ period ends on October 1, 2021 on which all remaining banned items must be destroyed.

The list of products that are restricted are single use shopping bags, plastic straws, plastic stirrers, plastic utensils, plastic plates, plastic cups, plastic soup bowls, plastic cotton swabs and plastic balloon confetti. Also Styrofoam food containers and cups are prohibited.  


On March 4th, 2021 the Island Council has approved the ‘Verordening afvalstoffen Sint Eustatius 2021’ (Waste ordinance Sint Eustatius 2021). In this ordinance the banning of the single use plastic materials and single use shopping bags are regulated. Currently this ordinance is only available in the Dutch language. In the near future an English translation of the ordinance will be made available. A full copy of the ordinance can be found on the island government website under the sub heading Ordinances.

Questions related to the banned items can be sent to the Directorate of Economy Nature & Infrastructure :  email or call 318 3283.

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