
Coalition parties Bonaire: ‘No suspension of Island Governor’

The governing coalition on Bonaire, formed by the Movementu di Pueblo Boneriano (MPB) and the Union Patriótiko Bonaire (UPB) say that there is no question of a suspension or non-activation of Lieutenant Governor Edison Rijna.

“Signals have been received by the members of the Island Council about a possible violation of integrity by the Island Governor. Integrity in politics is of great importance not only for the soundness of government, but also for the confidence that citizens should be able to have in their representatives and administrators,” the two parties said in a statement sent out on Wednesday evening.

The parties state that signals about unethical behavior can in principle relate to every Commissioner or Council member. According to them, this can sometimes be a small matter, or an error that was committed unconsciously. “However small or relatively insignificant signals may seem at times; it is nevertheless important to take these signals seriously. It needs to be discussed and looked at carefully, in order to grow together in this area and avoid similar mistakes in the future.”

On January 29, 2019, the Island Council of Bonaire approved an Integrity Agreement. According to both parties, this agrees on promoting integrity in politics in a general sense, but also on how to deal with potential violations of that integrity.

“The motion that was adopted by the Island Council in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday is entirely based on the basic principles of this agreement. Without making any distinction based on person, political color or belief, the coalition wants to act according to the agreements made at the time,” MPB and UPB now say.

The coalition emphasizes in this regard that there is currently no question of suspension of the Island Governor. “First of all, the Island Council does not have that authority. After all, the Island Governor is not appointed by the Island Council, but by the King.” The coalition also emphasizes that the agreements in the agreement are not legally enforceable. “This is an agreement to which partners have voluntarily committed themselves and through which the coalition is guided”.


Finally, the coalition parties say they find it important to raise the process above the level of party politics. “We have every confidence that the results of the investigation to be launched and the resulting recommendations will be known within two weeks of its initiation. As expected, the Island Governor will, of his own accord, provide his full cooperation and thus also provide the necessary space to go through the process unhindered under the leadership of the Acting Island Governor,” according to the press release of the blue-green coalition.

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