
D66 Wins in Electoral College Bonaire

Island Governor Edison Rijna with the members of the Bonaire Electoral College in Bonaire. Photo: Government of Bonaire.

Kralendijk- The Dutch Democrats66 (D66) party has won the Electoral College vote in Bonaire yesterday. It was the first time the Electoral College voted for representation in the Dutch Senate (Eerste Kamer).

The Electoral College of Bonaire can cast a total of nine votes for representation Senate. The impact of the voting is (very) limited, as Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba together represent less than the amount of votes needed for 1 actual Senate seat.

In this election, D66 received four votes, the Labour Party (PvdA )three and Green Party (GroenLinks) two.

The Bonairean Electoral College consists of four members of the MPB, namely Elvis Tjin Asjoe, Nina den Heyer, Désirée Coffie and Joselito Statia.

Kia-San Silberie, Benito Dirksz and Shurwin Sint Jago form part of the Electoral College for the Democratic Party (PDB).

Raynold Wilsoe and Gisette Emers are members of the College on behalf of the UPB.

The three members of the PDB were first sworn in during a meeting of the Island Council, before they proceeded to vote together with the other members who had already been sworn on an earlier date.

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