Police and justice

Inmates in Bonaire to Get Conjugal Visit Room

The Judicial Institution Caribbean Netherlands (JICN) will introduce a new regulation for inmates starting July 8, 2024, diplomatically referred to as Relationship Promoting Visits

The Judicial Institution Caribbean Netherlands (JICN) will introduce a new regulation for inmates starting July 8, 2024, diplomatically referred to as Relationship Promoting Visits (RPV).

The regulation, which has been in place in normally secured penitentiaries since 2015, offers inmates the chance to have ‘uninterrupted and personal’ contact with their visitors. This contributes to their reintegration into society.

Inmates are allowed to receive personal visits without supervision once a month. “This visit helps maintain and strengthen bonds with family and partners, which is essential for the inmate’s return to society,” says the JICN.


However, there are conditions attached to these special visits. The inmate must have stayed in a normally secured facility for six consecutive months, the visit must contribute to the inmate’s reintegration, and the interests of investigation and prosecution must not be jeopardized.


JICN points out that Relationship Promoting Visits are not an automatic right for inmates but a privilege that can be granted by the facility’s director.

“A request must be submitted, and the bond between the inmate and the visitor is closely scrutinized. The director can refuse RPV on grounds of security or order within the facility,” according to the JICN spokesperson.

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