
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management delays Motor Traffic Guarantee Fund for fourteen years

Photo Archives: ABC Online Media

KRALENDIJK – The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) has failed for 14 years to implement the ‘Motor Traffic Guarantee Fund.’ Although the guarantee fund is specifically mentioned in the ‘Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Act BES,’ the relevant articles have yet to come into effect.

What stands out is that while IenW usually insists on a strict division of national and island responsibilities, in this particular case, they have not acted on something clearly under their jurisdiction for years.

“The absence of the fund means that as a traffic victim, you are completely unprotected when you’re hit by an uninsured driver with no assets,” said a source familiar with the issue to

This account was confirmed by a retired official from the Public Entity Bonaire (OLB), who was involved in the matter. The root of the problem lies in Bonaire’s lack of a proper license plate registration system. As long as this remains the case, insurance companies on the island won’t cooperate, as they anticipate potential risks.

Introducing a license plate registration system on the islands would be necessary but challenging. The problem of uninsured drivers is not unique to Bonaire. Data from neighboring island Curaçao shows that about 25% of drivers are uninsured. Since there is no closed system between insurers, registration, and regulators, it can take a long time for uninsured drivers to be caught. When they are, it’s often too late, for instance, after an accident has already occurred.

Stricter Enforcement

Although the Caribbean Netherlands Police Force (KPCN) has recently become significantly stricter with drivers under the influence of alcohol who cause accidents, there is little or no strict enforcement against driving without a license. The Bonaire Executive Council expressed concern about the situation earlier this year in response to questions from

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