The inauguration of Costa Rica’s first Liquid Terminal

Costa Rica – The first liquid terminal was inaugurated in the Roble de Caldera, Puntarenas, Costa Rica which will allow exporters and importers of liquids such as solvents, alcohol and oils (animal and vegetable) to store and handle these products safely and properly. The facilities – located 9 kilometers from Puerto Caldera – will provide the monthly rental service which includes the operation of loading and unloading of stored liquids. The products will arrive at the terminal where they will be unloaded through tank trucks and deposited in the tanks, to be subsequently distributed to the different customers, explained Fernando Odio, president of the terminal.
According to Summa Magazine, Odio said after indicating that the design of the campus was made with the national and international standards of the API (American Petrolium Institute) and the NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency) for a liquid density of 1500Kg / m3 – “With this project we managed to allow the industry to have security inventories and savings in terms of freight and purchase volumes.” The president of the Costa Rican Institute of Pacific Ports and coordinator of the Central Pacific Roundtable , Juan Ramon Rivera further included “This is great news because this Terminal increases the storage possibilities in the Pacific region; It will also increase the number of ships that will arrive at the Port and will offer more employment opportunities for the area. These types of projects are what satisfy us because it is the private initiative generating development, ”
For its part, Orlando Gei, partner and coordinator of the construction of the project indicated that the facilities also have a fire water pump system, a foam pump system and flame, ultra-red and ultraviolet sensors. In the first stage of the project, six 825 m3 metal tanks were constructed, made of black iron; They include all the equipment and regulations that govern this type of installation. And the construction of four additional tanks with the same dimensions in a second stage is projected.
Data from the Central American Commission of Maritime Transport indicate that Costa Rica is in the last places in the transfer of bulk liquids in the region. In the 2013-2014 period, it was placed in the last place in the percentage distribution of liquid cargo by country throughout Central America. One of the reasons for this situation is that there is no adequate infrastructure to carry out this activity.